Thursday, November 10, 2011

When it rains, it long as it doesn't SNOW!

So, while we were buttoning up the yard and farm for winter, Rob tore his biceps tendon...required surgery so he can have full recovery to continue handy-manning, gunsmithing, and farming!  Had it repaired in Nov. 3 and is doing well.  Then, my dad got ill w/ another dialysis catheter infection...all while the snow has been held at bay!  I need my shoveler healed first, so we got a used snowblower....and now the water is backing up likely due to a clog from the willow roots, so now we need an electric drain auger...if you are dizzy reading this, imagine how it is to be on my merry-go-round!  Actually, I am faring fine, just hoping for smoother days ahead. 

Homeschool is going well now and I scored several free books I can use so the kids started reading more from geography, science, and history, poetry for part of their reading time.  They are getting done by noon or 1:00 these days and are maybe, just maybe getting along better.  They have to work together to correct math lessons.  The mini trampoline is now in their room and they take turns jumping from the bed, bounce and land on the other bed!  Still taking a few bike rides to bug the neighbors here and there and of coursem Robi will not keep shoes on for long..."But, MOM, there's no snow yet!"  He is minus one new insulated muck boot we will probably find this spring in the hay pile.  Unfortunately, the Highland cows are still in the Yaak as we have been unsuccessful getting the right ones into the trailer.

Second cutting hay is in the barn now and we also scored a cider press including the apple grinder, so we will go full swing next season for cider.  We did 14 gallons this year the hard way.  Rob was a nonstop Vitamix operator, but we have a bit of extra sediment in the cider because he is overzealous trying to get every drop with his pressing!  Nonetheless, it is delicious!

The Co-op paper came out today and I read my article!  Was fun to see it in print. 

I brought in some pots to try growing some greens in the south facing mud room window but we need to replace that door first as it is QUITE drafty. 

Goats are bred andd looking plump (AKA prego) and fuzzy in their thick coats,  and are due in mid-January when I am in Singapore!!!  Hope Mal and Rob brush up on their goat doula skills!!!!!!

I will try my hand at adding a few pics...

There are wild turkeys in the background on our back hill just in front of the snow...but they have been visiting by the brook daily outside the kitchen...Rob bet Robi $20 bucks he couldn't catch a baby Robi is $20 richer!

These are the Highlanders waiting to come home!

This is Shiloh, our mostly Aussie, Rob's other half!

This is Lilo, Mal's and my dog! (part Kelpie, part Border Collie)

Sunrise from the living room window!

Katrina, our wildest, hardiest, gymnastic goat nas her '11 babies!

ENJOY the fall weather and happy hunting, THANKSGIVING to all!

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